Energy Advisory

Full in-house support

The development of scaled, cost-effective, Clean Energy initiatives are essential in mitigating the effects of climate change. Vast opportunities lie ahead for organisations successfully engaged in providing Clean Energy solutions. At GoldenPeaks Capital Services we provide all the in-house support required to successfully deliver and maintain such initiatives.



Balancing supply and demand, sustainability, security risk, cost and the need to act responsibly while managing a tax efficient operation in the burgeoning Clean Energy sector is challenging, especially when operating across multinational structures. Today, companies in the renewable energy sector face unique operational challenges, whether it’s in exploration, production, refining, transportation, distribution or the ultimate sale to the consumer.

GoldenPeaks Capital Services provides responsive, proactive, cross-border accounting and tax advice to establish efficient structures for our Group companies and with specialist expertise in the diverse requirements and multinational stakeholder complexities of Clean Energy developments at scale.
Our Corporate Advisory services include the following across multiple jurisdictions:
Cross-border accounting & tax advice
and services for all stages in project delivery

Setting-up of efficient inter-company structures
for efficient and compliant, design, installation and operation

Provision of specialist services
for diverse multi-location requirements

Consolidation & issuing of inter-corporate results
for Board and other stakeholders

Multi-stakeholder operations
and consistent production and delivery
GoldenPeaks Capital Energy
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